Quintron and Miss Pussycat have been making genre-defying noise and hard rocking dance music in New Orleans for over fifteen years. The majority of their 14 full-length albums have the psychedelic soul of traditional New Orleans party music filtered through a tough distorted Hammond B-3 and a cache of self- made electronic instruments.
MISS PUSSYCAT plays maracas and sings, as well as entertaining all age groups with her highly amusing Technicolor puppet shows.
Hers are complex puppet shows beautifully crafted for success in intimate venues of late night drinking and dancing: tactile, idiosyncratic characters, pithy dialogue, electronically pixilated soundtracks, and trippy black light effects create a visual and engaging overture/finale to Quintron and Miss Pussycat’s music sets. Quintron aids in puppet manipulation and voicing. Miss Pussycat, in turn, sings lead and back-up and plays maracas during Quintron’s performances.
Quintron has released strange soundscapes based on inner-city field recordings of frogs and neighborhood ambiance as well as holing himself up in THE NEW ORLEANS MUSEUM OF ART for three months to create the epic “Sucre Du Sauvage” (Goner, 2011). In addition to his own recordings, Quintron has played organ on a number of other records, most notably THE OBLIVIONS “9 Songs” and STEVE RILEY AND THE MAMOU PLAYBOYS “Grand Isle” which was nominated for a Grammy in 2012 and featured the Quintron penned song “Chatterbox”. Most recently Quintron has been releasing albums under the name “WEATHER WARLOCK”, a project which features his mammoth weather controlled analog synthesizer. He and Miss Pussycat were the chosen to be resident artists at the ROBERT RAUSCHENBERG FOUNDATION and it was there that he conceived and completed that project while Miss Pussycat perfected the art of the inflatable puppet theater.
The Quintron / Miss Pussycat experience is one of barely controlled electronic chaos, “Swamp-Tech” dance beats, small explosions, incredible clothes, and entertaining puppet stories. You can see them perform regularly at the Spellcaster Lodge in New Orleans, Louisiana or on one of their many tours around the world. This act somehow has equal relevance in sleazy nightclubs, pizza restaurants, and university lecture halls.
“The Puppet Worlds of Miss Pussycat” has been displayed at The Ogden Museum of Southern Art and the Galveston Art Center. Fall 2019 will see the exhibit travel in Memphis TN in conjunction with Goner Fest 16.
Quintron is set to release an instrumental Mellotron EP in Fall 2019 on esteemed Florida label, TOTAL PUNK. A new Q and P full length is in the works and should see release in 2020.
Mosswood Meltdown 2023: Le Tigre, Gravy Train!!!!, The Rondelles, more
Brooklyn Vegan
“The Mosswood Meltdown returns to Oakland’s Mosswood Park on July 1 & 2. They’ve announced the initial lineup, which is headlined by Le Tigre, and making it even more electroclash are their old friends Gravy Train!!! (featuring Seth “Hunx” Bogart) who are reuniting for their only 2022/2023 show. The initial lineup also includes rare performances by Tina & The Total Babes, The Rondelles, and Quintron & Miss Pussycat, with more to be announced soon”
Journal Sentinel Recommends Quintron & Miss Pussycat at Cactus Club
Journal Sentinel
Residing near the intersection of carnival rides, radio drama and groovy horror movies, Quintron and Miss Pussycat’s music is a trip without the controlled substances, and his gadgets and her puppets make their gigs an experience with few contemporary parallels.
The Guardian interviews “New Orleans musical legend” Quintron
The Guardian
The humidity peaks in the dark nightclub packed with hundreds of excited, drunk bodies, when New Orleans one-man-band Quintron turns the key on his “Drum Buddy”, lighting it up like a miniature aurora borealis.
The AV Club premieres Quintron & Miss Pussycat’s new video “I Hear Voices” + tour dates
The AV Club
Quintron And Miss Pussycat exemplify the best of modern New Orleans rock. An eccentric and arty twist on swamp rock, the group mixes synthesizer sounds with modern science as Quintron messes with instruments of his own creation. His latest analog synth invention features prominently in his band the Weather Warlock, a term that’s apt considering the machine is controlled by weather patterns. Below, The A.V. Club has the premiere of the new video for “I Hear Voices.” Though it’s an unreleased jam, the tune is somewhat similar to “Death In Space” from Quintron’s latest record, Spellcaster II: Death In Space. As weird as everything about Quintron suggestions, the clip for “I Hear Voices” blends glitchy VHS images with some heavy guitar playing from Eyehategod’s Aaron Hill.
Brooklyn Vegan shares new label Terror Vision releasing films on VHS; includes puppet movie by Quintron & Miss Pussycat
Brooklyn Vegan
Cassettes are hip and vinyl sales are on the rise, so it shouldn’t be too surprising that a record label has spun off a new company that will release obscure soundtracks on vinyl, and… movies on VHS. That would be Terror Vision which was started by Ryan Graveface of Black Moth Super Rainbow and Graveface Records. There will also be a video rental store as part of the Graveface Records & Curiosities shop in Savannah, GA.
Nola announces new records from Quintron and Miss Pussycat
The tour kicks off May 14 in Lafayette, the Weather Warlock releases its first album.
Quintron & Miss Pussycat announce new projects and tour dates
NOLA Defender
Quintron and Miss Pussycat are downtown idols, but they are certainly not idle. The duo just announced a series of spring tour dates as well as the now expected eccentric mix of new projects.
Nola announces ‘Space Rites’ featuring Quintron’s Weather Warlock
New Orleans Airlift presents the fifth edition of “Space Rites,” featuring Quintron and Miss Pussycat’s Weather Warlock and more, on Sunday (Jan. 18)
Village Voice interviews Quintron and Miss Pussycat
Village Voice
CTNOW announces Quintron & Miss Pussycat’s New Haven show
Quintron & Miss Pussycat will be at Café Nine (250 State St., New Haven; 203-789-8281, cafenine.com) Nov. 24 for a 9 p.m. show that — besides all those special guest puppets — also features Chad Raines’ kitschy pop act The Simple Pleasure and the DJ known as If Jesus Had Machine Guns.
Nola announces Quintron & Miss Pussycat’s sold out show at Voodoo Fest
This week, mad scientist musician Quintron and his puppeteer partner Miss Pussycat released Spellcaster II: Death in Space. He and Miss Pussycat go all out for their annual Halloween show at One Eyed Jacks.
Nola announce Quintron and Miss Pussycat at Voodoo Fest
What’s getting you to Voodoo this year? Friday’s Outkast-Slayer-Melvis matchup? Saturday with Ms. Lauryn Hill, Benjamin Booker and Skrillex? Sunday brings hometown favorites Quintron and Miss Pussycat and recent converts Foo Fighters.
Entertainment Weekly Premieres New Quintron & Miss Pussycat “Do The Raid” Video!
Entertainment Weekly
Quintron and Missy Pussycat’s “Do The Raid” is something that would belong right next to “Time Warp” in Rocky Horror Picture Show, but it has more distortion—and plenty of puppets. For over a decade, the New Orleans-based duo have been making psych-heavy rock that’s easy to dance to: In the “Do The Raid” video, Miss Pussycat bops around with her maracas as Quintron flops his hair around to the beat of the music, which sounds a lot like what LCD System was aiming for with 2007’s “Watch the Tapes.”
The puppets, though, who Miss Pussycat makes and frequently performs with, are the video’s real stars. Most are unidentifiable shapes like the one-eyed blob, but there is one adorable panda wearing a bow-tie—no matter how cute they are though, they’re all pretty unruly: The video ends with one of the more colorful puppets setting some sticks of dynamite off.
Pitchfork Highlights Quintron’s Spellcaster II LP in Shake Appeal!
His latest LP shows an artist doing a lot more than just making novelty music. “Something Is Wrong With Jim Bob” is 90 seconds of arid, instrumental guitar. “Fatal Harmonic” is a track by the Weather Warlock, his project featuring a device that’s controlled by the elements (an undeniable highlight at Gonerfest). The best part of the album by a mile is “Do the Raid”, which is probably the best Quintron and Miss Pussycat song of the past decade. It’s a sneering track where they stare down a young student and say, “Your parents are dumb, kid, do the fuckin’ math.”
Truly, an anthem for elementary school teachers who no longer give a fuck.
Nola features Quintron’s Weather Warlock
We’ve been listening to the live stream of Mr. Quintron’s Weather Warlock, an analog synthesizer whose sensors gather data on light, precipitation, wind and temperature and transform the readings into sound.
Slate covers Quintron’s Weather Warlock
The Weather Warlock is the latest addition to Quintron’s cache of self-made electronic instruments. For the curious who want to experience it for themselves outputs from the Weather Warlock are streamed live, 24 hours a day on Weather for the Blind.
Nola streams Quintron and Miss Pussycat’s Sound Machine project, Weather for the Blind
A couple of tracks from Death in Space — the fuzzy, buzzy title track and a second, “Do the Raid” — have premiered online. So has an ongoing stream of the Weather Warlock, a unique synthesizer programmed to translate the effects of natural light, wind and rain into sound.
Gizmodo announces Quintron’s Weather Warlock “Weather For The Blind” station
Watching sunsets and sunrises are some of life’s loveliest pleasures, and hey — it turns out listening to them is pretty incredible too. Quintron, an experimental musician based in New Orleans, built a synthesiser and sensors that convert weather to sound, with special audio effects at dusk and dawn.
Brooklyn Vegan premieres Quintron and Miss Pussycat’s single “Do The Raid” and Weather Warlock
Brooklyn Vegan
We now have details on the new Quintron & Miss Pussycat album. It’s titled Spellcaster II: Death In Space and will be out October 28 On Pizza Burglar Records. The new record is a mix of their signature organ-driven party jams and droney, atmospheric instrumentals. We’ve got the premiere of “Do the Raid,” which definitely falls into the former category, which you can stream in this post.
Nola features a track from Quintron & Miss Pussycats forthcoming LP
Ninth Ward puppeteers, inventors and organ-rockers Mr. Quintron and Miss Pussycat will release Spellcaster II: Death in Space on October 28th.
Flagpole announce Quintron & Miss Pussycat show
Part-time instrument inventors and full-time weirdos Quintron and Miss Pussycat are no strangers to the Classic City. Based out of the Big Easy, the two are known for their synth-heavy experimental rock and roll with puppet-show accompaniment …
NOLA radio premieres Quintron and Miss Pussycat new song “Death In Space”
Ninth Ward inventors/puppeteers/secret nightclub proprietors/organ-dance-rock wizards Quintron and Miss Pussycat premiered “Death In Space,” the spooky, burbling first track from their upcoming album Spellcaster II: Death In Space today…
NOLA Defender announces Quintron and Miss Pussycat
NOLA Defender
Quintron and Miss Pussycat have finally announced their new album: Spellcaster II: Death In Space, to be released October 28th through local garage label Pizza Burglar Records…
NeuFutur Magazine review and premiere Quintron and Miss Pussycat track “Death In Space”
NeuFutur Magazine
Although Spellcaster II: Death In Space sounds nothing like Spellcaster I, it is in a way a return to form, as the LP abandons the party style shout jams that Quintron and Miss Pussycat have become known for in favor of murky instrumental themes constructed from mostly unidentifiable sounds…
Noisey Premieres New Quintron Track!
Quintron & Miss Pussycat will release their new LP Spellcaster II: Death In Space via Pizza Burglar Records on October 28, their first LP following three years’ worth of singles that eventually lead to a Grammy nomination. The 11-track effort features “Death in Space,” the first to be released out of the gate and available to stream below.
Q & Miss P will hold off on any huge celebrations of the new LP until early November, when the quirky garage punk duo hit the road for a string of dates on the East Coast. The November dates span Minnesota to Florida, and are all available below.
Noisey premieres Quintron and Miss Pussycat’s new single “Death In Space”
Quintron & Miss Pussycat will release their new LP Spellcaster II: Death In Space via Pizza Burglar Records on October 28, their first LP following three years’ worth of singles that eventually lead to a Grammy nomination. The 11-track effort features “Death in Space,” the first to be released out of the gate and available to stream below.
Create Digital Music features Quintron & Miss Pussycat
Create Digital Music
Mr. Quintron was this week in my home neighborhood in Berlin, accompanied by his wife Miss Pussycat – maraca player (maracaist?), vocalist, and puppeteer behind Flossie and the Unicorns. There was a puppet show. It was about cake…
Exclaim! announces Quintron & Miss Pussycat’s North American Tour
Though not much has been revealed behind the next platter from New Orleans oddities Quintron & Miss Pussycat, the duo will be taking their organ-heavy tracks and puppet show on the road this fall.
Pollstar features Quintron & Miss Pussycat’s tour
Evenings of dance music, amazing sounds and puppets await you in autumn when Quintron & Miss Pussycat climb onboard the tour bus. Stops include Memphis, St. Louis, Toronto and Brooklyn.
Brooklyn Vegan announces new Quintron & Miss Pussycat LP, fall tour dates
Brooklyn Vegan
Brooklyn Vegan announces new Quintron & Miss Pussycat LP, fall tour dates
The Times – Picayune features Quintron’s summer reading program
The Times - Picayune
Quintron recently brought his educational show about science and sound to the library on Holiday Drive as part of the New Orleans Public Library summer reading program, entertaining the storytime set with his inventions..
The Times – Picayune previews Quintron & Miss Pussycat’s performance at HAMP Fest
The Times - Picayune
The fifth annual HAMP Fest features performances by Quintron & Miss Pussycat, the Mike Dillon Band, Vox and the Hound, and Les Autres.
Hissing Lawns reviews Quintron and Miss Pussycat performance.
Hissing Lawns
Pure Honey profiles Quintron & Miss Pussycat
Pure Honey
Quintron and Miss Pussycat featured on Spin’s Best things we saw on Sunday of Voodoo fest 2013
New Orleans’ Quintron and Miss Pussycat have made the personal touch their calling card. She makes puppets for surreal, onstage puppet shows — such as the one involving Christmas Bear and a goblin cake that she performed last night.
Columbus Alive previews Quintron & Miss Pussycat’s show at Ace of Cups
Columbus Alive
Multi-instrumentalist Quintron and his backup singer/maraca-playing wife Miss Pussycat, have been relatively quiet in recent years. The latest Quintron album…
Brooklyn Vegan Austin posts Quintron & Miss Pussycat tour dates
Brooklyn Vegan Austin
Avant-garde duo Quintron & Miss Pussycat will be coming to Texas as a part of their fall U.S. tour with Dutch duo zZz.
The Austin Chronicle reviews Quintron & Miss Pussycat at Austin Psych Fest
The Austin Chronicle
“New Orleans husband and wife duo Quintron & Miss Pussycat managed to kill Mother Earth, use a marshmallow spaceship to travel the universe, and successfully locate the happiest place in the cosmos…”
Motherboard features Quintron & Miss Pussycat
“Their unique live shows, a combination of homebrew instrumentation and other-worldly puppetry, have earned them fans in odd places and taken them, most recently, to the Kennedy Center…”
Quintron & Miss Pussycat to play Kennedy Center
Weirdest Band in the World
“… Yes, the New Orleans ambassadors of down ‘n’ dirty “swamp tech” are on the bill for something called the New Orleans Bingo! Show, which also features the Preservation Hall Jazz Band…”
Quintron & Miss Pussycat to play Florida State University
FSU News
“The husband and wife duo, born Robert Rolston and Panacea Theriac, will bring their gritty and distorted swamp-tech to Club Downunder on Tuesday, April 9…”
Quintron & Miss Pussycat to play Florida State University
FSU News
“The husband and wife duo, born Robert Rolston and Panacea Theriac, will bring their gritty and distorted swamp-tech to Club Downunder on Tuesday, April 9…”
Quintron & Miss Pussycat to play Sun-Ray Cinema
Sun-Ray Cinema
“Mr. Quintron is an American institution, a testament to all that is great in New Orleans music AND the most wigged out fringes of the avant-garde…”
Quintron & Miss Pussycat to play Sun-Ray Cinema
Sun-Ray Cinema
“Mr. Quintron is an American institution, a testament to all that is great in New Orleans music AND the most wigged out fringes of the avant-garde…”
Quintron & Miss Pussycat Play with Puppets, Tour
Ad Hoc
“The latest one, Trouble in Old Bathbath, is set to have its official premiere on April 18 at the Anthology Film Archives in New York, smack in the middle of their upcoming East Coast American tour. If this is sounding like too much awesome noise to handle, dig this: their 4/20 date will feature Black Dice and K-Holes…”
Quintron & Miss Pussycat Play with Puppets, Tour
Ad Hoc
“The latest one, Trouble in Old Bathbath, is set to have its official premiere on April 18 at the Anthology Film Archives in New York, smack in the middle of their upcoming East Coast American tour. If this is sounding like too much awesome noise to handle, dig this: their 4/20 date will feature Black Dice and K-Holes…”
Quintron & Miss Pussycat touring, showing their new puppet movie too
Brooklyn Vegan
“In addition to making music, Quintron & Miss Pussycat are filmmakers as well, their most recent work is The Mystery in Old Bathbath, which is the latest adventure for puppet pals Trixie and the Treetrunks…”
Quintron & Miss Pussycat touring, showing their new puppet movie too
Brooklyn Vegan
“In addition to making music, Quintron & Miss Pussycat are filmmakers as well, their most recent work is The Mystery in Old Bathbath, which is the latest adventure for puppet pals Trixie and the Treetrunks…”
Gambit – The Best of New Orleans covers Quintron and Miss Pussycat show
“The movie is phantasmagoric and there are surreal events and leaps as Trixie unearths the mysteries of Bathbath…”
Quintron and Miss Pussycat to play benefit for Hurricane Sandy-damaged radio station WFMU
The Times - Picayune
Quintron & Miss Pussycat will perform for the benefit on Dec. 14th.