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Spin ranks every Ty Segall release

There are three things about Ty Segall that will probably never change: The San Francisco garage-rock icon is a prolific songwriter, plays the guitar very well, and seems to live and breathe to do both of those things.

Indiewire premiers Ty Segall’s 14 minute “Emotional Mugger” video

Ty Segall generally doesn’t keep fans waiting too long for his next album, and he’s kicked off the new year with his latest, “Emotional Mugger.” The record has been receiving solid reviews, and for the first video from the album, the musician has turned to a frequent collaborator to deliver what might be his most ambitious effort yet.

Free Press Houston reviews Emotional Mugger
Free Press Houston

Ty Segall releases a lot of music in various incarnations throughout the year and sometimes it is hard to discern where these albums fall within the calendar schedule of music, but Emotional Mugger, his latest creation, has apparently been recently released.

The San Diego Reader reviews Emotional Mugger
San Diego Reader

Emotional Mugger paints a picture of menacing clowns thrashing about in semi-trucks, a possible musical score to the demolition-derby video game Twisted Metal. Ty Segall inhabits a new persona on each record, and his latest alter ego is demented.

Issue reviews Emotional Mugger

Ty Segall’s prolific musical output most recently took form in II, the sophomore album from his band Fuzz. Emotional Mugger is the follow-up to 2014’s Manipulator and Segall’s tenth solo album, which he formally announced by sending a VHS to media outlets and releasing a cryptic short video explaining ‘emotional mugging.’

Aquarium Drunkard reviews Emotional Muggger
Aquarium Drunkard

In a goofball YouTube promo, Dr. Ty Segall, PhD defines “emotional mugging” as a “psychoanalytic subject-to-subject exchange formed as a response to our hyper-digital sexual landscape.” So sizing one another up, frontin’, a cold barrier of distraction, the practice of impenetrable differentiation… This silly promo vid is of special import because I think Ty’s trying to get all psychological on us in bigger way.

AllMusic reviews Emotional Mugger

Anyone who was wondering if Ty Segall was ever going to deliver another set of raw, scuzzy garage rock after the relatively polished approach of 2013’s Sleeper and 2014’s Manipulator will be happy (or alarmed) to know Segall is very much in touch with his noisy side on 2016’s Emotional Mugger.

The Concordian reviews Emotional Mugger
The Concordian

Ty Segall’s new album Emotional Mugger sounds like a Ty Segall album: loud guitars, a fuzzy, melodic low end and Segall’s faux British accent chiming in. The album is made up of songs indistinguishable from one another, each showcasing an guitar solo as interesting as a running tap.

The Daily Texan reviews Emotional Mugger
The Daily Texan

Throughout his eight-year career, alt rocker Ty Segall has done everything on his own terms. Each of his releases takes on a new sound, experimenting with different instrumentation and composition. His latest project Emotional Mugger, released Friday, does exactly that, taking risks on almost every song.

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